Unity animation blending

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Unity animation blending

Post by ycg999 » Wed Oct 14, 2020 2:55 am

Hello there,

I am trying to use Creature animation in Unity,I am following the tutorials on the webpage and on Youtube,the basic animations are set and the character can do some basic movement,that's great,but I have some problems about animation transition:

1.When I click the button "Build State Machine",it seems nothing is happening,I can't find the state machine asset just like the "Runtimes Tutorial".

2.When I drag the export files into Unity assets,the animation files(.anim) in the packMdlAnim can't be imported correctly,the console will have error informations:"Failed to load '.anim'.File may be corrupted or was serialized with a newer version of Unity".(I wonder if these two problems have some connections?How to solve them? :? )

3.The function "BlendToAnimation" is very good and I like it very much,but when I am trying to let the character change animation from "Idle" to "Crouch",not just the bone have transitions,but also the images'scale change,which means when I do the transition,the character's left leg and left foot are not only changing position and rotation but also changing scale(a slight change just like :100%-75%-100%),that's not correct.Any idea if I just want to change position with no scale changing?

4.I put two transition aminations between the animation "Idle" and "Crouch" to try to solve the problem 3 manually,the transitions flow is "Idle-I2C-Crouch",when the transition animation "I2C" is done I want to change the current animation to "Crouth",but I don't know how.

That's all about my problems now,all about the animation transitions,I am glad if anyone could offer any help.

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Re: Unity animation blending

Post by chong » Wed Oct 14, 2020 8:46 am


You can also consider using CreaturePack which is faster and more optimal in terms of performance:
https://github.com/kestrelm/Creature_Un ... eaturePack

Sorry blending is the way to go for these sorts of transitions right now.
Having said that, your other option is to export from Creature, the animations as FBX. Then you can take advantage of Unity's default animation pipeline to do all your required processing.


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Joined: Wed Oct 14, 2020 2:15 am

Re: Unity animation blending

Post by ycg999 » Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:51 pm

I found many useful information from that page!Thanks a lot!

But I got a new question here:

I want to let my character aim at a target just like many other 2D Side-Scrolling games,which means I need to adjust positions and rotations of some specific bones to let them point at my mouse's position.I have already checked the "Unity Runtimes" Tutorial and I know that bones can be controlled from Unity,but the tutorial is about how to control all bones to give them a offset at y axis,I wonder if you can tell me how to adjust some specific bones?

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