Samples And Videos
Friday, April 5, 2019 3:52 AMDownload Creature Sample files here to learn/explore how various character animation effects are accomplished. View case study videos to understand in depth how the character rigs and animations were constructed and developed.
If not listed in a particular sample, the character art images/atlases are Copyright Kestrel Moon Studios Pte Ltd. You are free to use the character rigs(excluding the image artwork) for your own purposes.
Please note some of the features in the samples are only accessible via the Pro version. You can still view the results just not edit them.
Instructions on Usage
- Download the sample .zip archive
- Extract the archive.
- For Mac users, simply open the extracted Creature Project Bundle.
- For Windows Users, the project folder will be in the nested folder with the same project name (i.e iceDemon.creaProj\iceDemo.creProj)
Phoenix Sample
The phoenix sample demonstrates bone physics, flapping motors and motion along a path via spline path creation/editing. Video(Click to play):
Dino Sample
The dino sample demonstrates automated walk cycle generation, bone physics for tail animation, control point motors for blinking eyes and soft body physics for flesh. Video(Click to play):
Mech Dragon Sample
The mech dragon sample demonstrates pin rope physics for automated neck posing, rotate cycle motors for breathing and wing motion, bone physics for tail animation and ik motors for directed animation. Video(Click to play):
Chameleon Sample
The chameleon sample demonstrates IK Rotate Cycle motors for automated walk motion, combining Bend Physics and Control Pt Motors to animate a tongue that shoots out from the mouth and Control Pt Motors to animate a rotating/twisting eye. Video(Click to play):
Mage Sample
The mage sample demonstrates a complex rig that allows multi-layered Cloth and Hair Dynamics using Bend Physics and Soft Body Physics motors. Video(Click to play):
Stegosaurus Sample
The stegosaurus sample demonstrates full on running gait using a combination of Rotate Cycle and Move/Bounce motors. Leg motion is done with Smooth IK Rotate Motors. Video(Click to play):
Bunny Sample
The bunny sample is similar to the stegosaurus sample. It demonstrates a full on running gait motion achieved using Rotate Cycle and Smooth IK Rotate motors. Floppy ears are done with Bend Physics Motors.
Dragonet Sample
Simple character animation with flapping wings and basic walk cycle accomplished using motors.
Ninja Sample
A ninja character with various animation clips: regular breathing, running motion and attack. Suitable for import into game engines for testing.
Leg Motor Sample
A character with 2 animation clips: walking and running. This demonstrates the functionality of the new Leg Motor using the Smart Ground algorithm.
Vines Sample
Demonstrates growing vines along a chain of bones using Control Pt Motors and Advanced Projection.
Dragon Sample
A dragon character animated with various bone motors. Wing animation and compression is entirely achieved using a combination of Rotate Cycle Motors set with different phase and speed values. Tail is animated using a Rotate Cycle Motor at the base and Bend Physics Motors for the rest of the tail chain.
Tiger Sample
Shows you how to animate a Single Whole Image using Bone and Mesh motors. Subtle breathing motion of the tiger is done using a combination of Rotate Cycle Motors and IK Rotate Motors. Eye blinking is achieved with Control Point Motors.
Ice Demon Sample
Demonstrates the swapping of custom sprite frames onto region meshes using Creature's Sprite Frame Manager. Sprite frames are driven by the underlying bone physics motors to achieve the wavering flame effect.
Artwork by: Katarzyna Zalecka [], Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Utahraptor Art Sample
Demonstrates a running Utahraptor with leg running cycles done using IK Rotate Motors. Dynamic Tail and Flesh secondary motion achieved using Bend Physics Motors.
Artwork by: Emily Willoughby(, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
Smilodon Sample
Demonstrates a running Smilodon. Leg motion is authored using Leg Motors. Dynamic Tail and Flesh secondary motion achieved using Bend Physics Motors.
Attribution: Dantheman9758 at English Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
Face Warp Sample
Demonstrates a Face Warp on a front facing character. Rotate Cycle and Bend Physics motors are used on the hair and body to simulate dynanmics and breathing motion. Face Warp is used on the face and back hair to give a 3D head turning effect.
Wind Field Cloth Sample
Demonstrates the Wind Field Cloth functionality of Creature with a woman wearing a flowy dress outfit. Multiple wind fields are used to affect various portions of the dress.
The character art is from the public domain British Library Flickr Archive.
Elephant Sample
A character from the Elephant Stomp! UE4 Game Tech Demo. This character has mutiple animations for walking, idle, attack and death. Walk Cycle animations are accomplished using the Custom Cycle Motor. Secondary motion is accomplished with a combination of Bend Physics Motors on the bone structure.
The character art is from the public domain British Library Flickr Archive.
Ostrich Sample
A character from the Elephant Stomp! UE4 Game Tech Demo. This character has running animation done using the Custom Cycle Motor. Secondary motion is accomplished with a combination of Bend Physics Motors on the bone structure.
The character art is from the public domain British Library Flickr Archive.
Soldier Sample
A character from the Elephant Stomp! UE4 Game Tech Demo.This character has mutiple animations for walking, idle, attack and death. Walk Cycle animations are accomplished using the Custom Cycle Motor. Secondary motion is accomplished with a combination of Bend Physics Motors on the bone structure. Breathing motio is done using the Move Bounce Motor on the base bone(s).
The character art is from the public domain British Library Flickr Archive.
Reaper Sample
A character animated to demonstrate the usage of Rotate Cycle, Bend Physics and Force Field Motors in achieving the effect(s) of cloth blowing in the wind.
The character art is from the Ancient Beast project. Artwork is by Katarzyna Zalecka. CC-BY-SA 3.0
Trex Sample
A Tyrannosaurus character demonstrating the use of Bend Physics for flesh, IK Rotate Motors for walking and Rotate Cycle motors for end limb motion. This is a sample from the Dinosaur Parade Unreal Engine Demo Project.
The character art is from the Durbed - . Artwork is published with CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Triceratops Sample
A Triceratops character demonstrating the use of Bend Physics for flesh, IK Rotate Motors for walking and Rotate Cycle motors for end limb motion. This is a sample from the Dinosaur Parade Unreal Engine Demo Project.
The character art is by - Dmitry Bogdanov . Artwork is published with CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Sauropd Sample
A Sauropod character demonstrating the use of Bend Physics for flesh, IK Rotate Motors for walking and Rotate Cycle motors for end limb motion. This is a sample from the Dinosaur Parade Unreal Engine Demo Project.
The character art is by - Dmitry Bogdanov . Artwork is published with CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Pterosaur Sample
A flying Pterosaur character demonstrating the use of Path Bone Motors and Motion Path Authoting. Wing flapping is accomplished with Flap Mesh Motors. This is a sample from the Dinosaur Parade Unreal Engine Demo Project.
The character art is by - Dmitry Bogdanov . Artwork is published with CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Knight Templar Sample
A Knight Template character with idle animation, using bend physics and wind field motors for the cloth on the top of the helmet.
The character art is by - killyoverdrive . Artwork is published with CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Yeti Doll Sample
A front facing Yeti character demonstrating 3D head turning motion using Mesh Grid Motors with keyframe poses. The secondary breathing and hat motion is accomplished using a combination of Bend Physics and Rotate Cycle Bone Motors.
The character art is public domain. This character is used on the Creature Platformer Unity Demo here.
Cartoon Bat Sample
A simple flying bat character authored with Flap Motors for wing motion.
The character art is public domain. This character is used on the Creature Platformer Unity Demo here.
Crazy Horseman Sample
A funny running horseman character, animated with various bone leg motors for the frantic motion.
The character art is public domain. This character is used on the Creature Platformer Unity Demo here.
Fox Sample
A fox character that has various animation clips, including idle, running and jumping. Leg motion is authored using the Custom Cycle Motor.
The character art is public domain. This character is used on the Creature Platformer Unity Demo here.
Girl with Long Hair
A front-facing girl character with long hair blowing in the wind. This is accomplished using a combination of Bend Physics Motors for the hair layers and a Direction Force Field Motor acting as the wind.
Owl Head Turning Animation
A front-facing owl head that turns via a pseudo fake 3D effect. Additional wind field motors are used to simulate a slight gust, driving the bend physics and soft body mesh motors on the owl body. Head turning is accomplished using the powerful Animation Controllers functionality. Animation Controllers are used to direct head turning via Mesh Grid Motors.
Owl Character Artwork by David Revoy: link, License CC-BY-SA
UtahRaptor Run with Animation Controllers
For this dinosaur animation, 3 dynamic running pose/gaits are captured into the Animation Controller motor. The Animation Controller allows the parametric blending of not just morph target poses but material and procedural properties of every bone and mesh motor. This allows for sophisticated effects like target pose blending, muscle/flesh activation and gait movement alteration. Animation Controllers allow for the construction of custom controllable animated rigs that expose high level controls which change various underlying aspects of the procedural animation system. This means one can now build a living, breathing character with dynamic muscle systems, expressions and more which can be altered via high level controls.
Artwork: Fred Wierum, License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license, Source here
A video of the overall authoring process is here
Advanced Head Turning Face Rig
This sample demonstrates a 2d character with pseudo 3d head turning motion in Creature. It illustrates the usage of a variety of advanced features/concepts: Mesh Grid Motors, Physics Motors, Region Node Execution Graph and Animation Controllers. Key head turning poses are captured and then driven/animated with Animation Controllers.
Artwork: David Revoy , License: CC BY 3.0, Source here
A video tutorial on how this character was setup and animated is here
Flow Particle FX: Kraken
This sample demonstrates advanced fluid type effects with a dynamic bubble system emitted from a Kraken character underwater using the Flow FX system.
Note: Particle files are not distribued with this sample. You will need to re-run the Particle Simulation to in Flow to re-create the final result ( Go into Flow and click Run).
A video tutorial on how to setup and animate this result is here
Flow Particle FX: Space Marine
This sample demonstrates a Space Marine shooting a high energy gun with bullets, fire and smoke effects using the Flow FX system.
Note: Particle files are not distribued with this sample. You will need to re-run the Particle Simulation to in Flow to re-create the final result ( Go into Flow and click Run).
Flamingo Walk
This is a sample demonstrating a very simple character setup ( in this case, a Flamingo ) with a basic walk motion accomplished via IK rotate motors. It has secondary motion for feathers and the neck generated using the Bend Physics Motors. This is a great sample project to get familiar with Creature.
There is an acompanying video tutorial that you can watch here.